H.W. (Hans-Willem) Alblas MA, MSc
Open Universiteit, Hermann Wesselink College
Betrokkenheid Vakdidactiek GW
Hans-Willem Alblas is promovendus met een aanverwant promotietraject die meedraait met het Dudoc-Alfa scholings- en intervisieprogramma van de lichting 2024.
Leesvaardigheid, tekstbegrip, generatieve vaardigheden, motivatie, metacognitie (schoolvak Nederlands)
Multiple Document Comprehension and the Effects of Concept Mapping and Motivation on Meta-Comprehension Accuracy
In this project we investigate multiple document comprehension and the effects of concept mapping and motivation on meta-comprehension accuracy of students in pre-university education (grades 10–11; 15–17 years old). We will conduct experimental research to investigate whether concept mapping affects meta-comprehension of multiple documents and to understand the role of motivation. Furthermore, the project aims to study the underlying processes of learning from multiple documents. The findings of the studies could support theory development on multiple document comprehension, provide practical applications for teaching meta-comprehension and concept mapping and offer insights into students’ motivation for reading and learning.
Keywords: multiple document comprehension, generative learning, concept mapping, meta-comprehension accuracy, motivation, utility value
Open Universiteit